一種2.8秒的概念 Tesla Model S性能再進化
MUGEN:Minotaur vs KOF all boss(牛頭牌vs拳皇全魔王) - YouTube 【賴宏旻/ 報導】在2008年Tesla推出旗下首款電動跑車Roadster、��寫汽車史上性能定義之前,提到超級跑車車迷朋友腦中浮現的應該都是多汽缸大排氣量吃油如喝水般的猛獸。然而,Tesla野心不僅於此,日前Tesla再為旗下Model S提供全新動力,總輸出762hp馬力讓靜止至時速100公* states first!!! Does not like departure which please looked! Myself open for you comment! Inside the cow leading role's part myself already revised characteristic of the asexual organ! Acts the aspect to ask each to associate! Does not like the eldest c...