KOF XIII: K' combo tutorial - K Prime the Fallen Angel. - YouTube 有那些人,非常認真。每件東西都要放在應該的位置,每件事情都有一定之規。比如,看過的報紙要按照原來的版面順序折好放好,往紙簍里扔廢紙時不可以團成一團,A4大小的紙張必須折成四分之一放進去,這樣可以節約紙簍的空間,多放一些。 但是,如果你在他所要求的任意一點上犯一點錯誤,他要么諷刺挖苦要么大發雷霆。和Before we get into this, I just want to say thanks for the support and your patience. Getting back into the swing of KOF XIII and video making isn't as easy as I remember. I put this video together today. Also I'm aware that there are a few more combo var...