阿宅超有錢!御宅族年度平均消費出爐 嚇翻一票網友
Ash Crimson - The Fighters Generation 日本最新2014年「御宅族年度平均消費」調查結果出爐,嚇翻眾網友,或許宅宅們在某方面來說並不是魯蛇阿!一起看看2014年宅男、宅女們在不同領域跟項目上平均下來花的金額吧~ VOCALOID 平均消費 5,339日幣 (約台幣1420元) 此指純VOCALOID的人聲軟體 女僕咖啡廳 平均消費 6,When Ash debuted in KOF 2003, one could say that he was definitely guilty of stealing some of Guile's special moves. On the same token, that fact actually gave "Guile players" a new character to enjoy using in the KOF series, which isn't really a bad thin...