kof xiii wiki

The King of Fighters XIII - Shoryuken Wiki!天啊...是要嚇誰啦 「THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIII」 KOF XIII marks the conclusion of the "Ash Saga", the third story arc of KOF centered around the characteristically ambiguous Ash Crimson. Mechanically, XIII returns to an established system that resembles KOF 2002 Unlimited ......


The King of Fighters XIII/Strategy - Shoryuken Wiki!跟現實相反耶 Controlling Space One initial difference from Street Fighter is that in KOF it becomes possible to attack from more unique angles due to hops. Knowing which grounded and aerial normals can cover specific angles or areas is required knowledge to best deal ...


KOF: Maximum Impact 2 - SNK Wiki - King of Fighters, Samurai Shodown, Neo-Geo and other SNK works晚上,一位失業的顧問來到酒吧... KOF: Maximum Impact 2, released in North America as The King of Fighters 2006, is a fighting... ... Character Name Cosplays as Mode and Color Alba Meira Jubei Yagyu Normal, color G Soiree Meira Ramon, Freeman, Jiro from Android Kikaider...


The King of Fighters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia在夜店想上廁所,沒想到一開門卻發現...!!!!!! The King of Fighters (ザ·キング·オブ·ファイターズ, Za Kingu obu Faitāzu?), officially abbreviated KOF, is a series of fighting games developed by SNK Playmore (formerly SNK), which began with The King of Fighters '94 in 1994. The series was originally developed for S...


Mai Shiranuii - The King of Fighters Wiki真的好像啊~!!! Series Appearances Edit Mai has appeared in the following King Of Fighters games : KOF 94, KOF 95, KOF 96, KOF 97, KOF 98, KOF 99, KOF 00, KOF 01, KOF 02, KOF 03, KOF XI (console version only), KOF XIII. Mai Shiranui - KOF XIII Sprite Mai is one of the .....
