kogeto dot iphone

Kogeto || Dot也許看到前面你們還會覺得這個弟弟實在是太幸運了!!佔了人生中的大便宜欸~~~但是...小妹看完整篇文章後的10分鐘裡,心一直快速跳動著...真的是被嚇出一身冷汗...因為實在是太有畫面感了!!!看得我直呼雅蠛蝶!救命!!!...(這位弟弟也是碼了太多的字,小妹也不得不翻譯下來QAQ...你們也要看到Kogeto is transforming the way people capture and share video on the web by creating cameras that see the world around them and a web platform to let people share these experiences. ... Dot is more than a lens for your iPhone. It's a fast and fun way to s...


Kogeto || Index 網路上流傳一段疑似話題女王雞排妹的啪啪啪影片,讓許多網友瘋狂點閱,雞排妹今天下午在臉書回應,「各位鄉親,她跟我長的也差太多。還一堆人相信,傻眼。」 她補充,我的奶沒有這麼大... Jō Conference Live 360 two way conferencing. The pocket friendly 360 panoramic video thingy for your iPhone. Featured Clients Kōgeto has been working with Lionsgate films to create immersive content for the Divergent trilogy. See who we have been working ...


Review: Kogeto Dot 360° Camera Lens (iPhone) - YouTube 好不容易能和自己喜歡的人在一起,卻意外發現讓這份愛長久「保鮮」好像特別難呢。和以前那種對暗戀人的「窺探」有所不同,成為男女朋友以後,找尋兩人之間適合的相處方式是很必要的呢。日本門戶網站Livedoor新聞網2月3日發表的一篇刊文裡,就給大家介紹了為了讓愛情長久保鮮,和戀人保持適度距離感的五個妙招,Audible: http://goo.gl/1XiG4 360 videos: 1. http://goo.gl/6DQEm 2. http://goo.gl/CPJkO 3. http://goo.gl/GSaVF New SKB T-Shirts!!! http://goo.gl/Bqoyy Get the Official SoldierKnowsBest Apps: iPhone: http://goo.gl/LSSIa Android: http://goo.gl/ixIoT FaceBook...


Como grabar videos en 360 grados con el iPhone 4 y 4S con el accesorio Kogeto Dot - YouTube 有這樣的空姐搭飛機實在太幸福了?▼午休時刻!原來空姐私下都這樣的....                          &nhttp://tiny.cc/7yhg6 Aquí esta la muestra final con la cual realice el video en 360 grados sobre el nuevo accesorio para el iphone 4 y iphone 4S Kogeto Dot. es muy interesante la idea y el concepto de este accesorio, pero lamentablemente el video no fue m...


Dot panoramic lens shoots 360-degree iPhone videos 其實,我不想表達些什麼東西了.....  看完了....  我都難過了......勸你/妳沒勇氣接受就不要繼續閱讀下去....  靠 !!!            &nNot long ago, we reported on the GoPano micro panoramic lens, that allows users to shoot interactive 360-degree videos on their iPhones. Well, perhaps not surprisingly, it's got some competition. Kogeto's Dot lens also lets iPhone 4 users shoot videos "in...


KOGETO | PortalPTT上有一位鄉民遭女友劈腿,而且劈腿對象竟是洋腸巨砲。雖然已經分手可是女友仍纏著自己,於是在西斯版po文求助自己該怎麼辦.... 原PO女友在德國唸書 因和我吵架去酒店喝個爛醉 就被洋場開苞了目前已分手 但是還在聯絡因為他要求的說我不能消失但自己也不原諒他所以聊天時都叫他賤貨 或是bitch我該怎Kogeto is NYC-based and makes Dot, a 360 panoramic camera attachment for the iPhone 4 and 4S, and Lucy, the world's most advanced panoramic video camera. ... Join our mailing list for regular news, tips and special deals....
