Kokuyo Campus Smart Ring Binder Notebook - B5 - 26 Rings - Light Blue - JetPens.com (翻攝自youtube) 台中某知名夜店近日積極宣傳,號稱將在18日舉辦「摸摸派對」(Touch me party),入場的人可以在身上貼上紅色及藍色的貼紙,分別代表「女生可以摸」及「男生可以摸」,甚至可以貼上嘴唇貼紙代表「可以親吻」,引發網友討論。 臉書社團「爆廢公社」轉貼一名夜店女公關15日凌Kokuyo's Campus Smart Ring binder notebook is ultra-slim and light. As with binders, you can re-arrange pages by opening the rings, but this notebook is as slim as a regular notebook. Slip several in your bag, and you'll see how easy it is to carry them f...