Atom vs. Cortex-A15 vs. Krait vs. Tegra 3: Which mobile CPU is the most power efficient? | ExtremeTe 以下圖源:via 近日,一篇名為《一到美國我就再也看不上臺灣女孩了》的文章在網路熱傳,作者列舉美國女性獨立應付生活的各種能力,宛如為他打開了新世界的大門。 事實上,美國大妞真的比臺灣女孩有魅力嗎?臺美兩國的女性在對待男人的態度上又有哪些不同呢? 在《一到美國我就再也看不上臺灣女孩了》一Cortex-A15’s excessive power draw also offers an explanation for Krait and Apple’s Swift (A6/A6X) CPU core: Qualcomm and Apple probably took one look at the A15 white paper and decided to design their own, more-efficient cores. It will be interesting to s...