Krill Oil - Scientific Review on Usage, Dosage, Side Effects | Examine.com 話說,對哈里王子,大家應該不是很陌生吧。 他,(暫時)沒有威廉王子那耀眼的禿頭, 他,沒有喬治王子那萌萌的臉蛋, 貴為英國王子,戴安娜王妃的二兒子,女王寵愛的孫子, 哈里王子除了那風流瀟洒、遊戲人間的生活態度,和一叢亂鬍子外, 因為不是大兒子,所以繼承皇位的幾率渺茫.... &nbsKrill oil is a mixture of fatty acids high in EPA and DHA (Fish Oil fatty acids) in the form of phospholipids, mostly as Phosphatidylcholine; it appears to be better absorbed than fish oil, may be more cardioprotective, and has some unique (unexplored) fa...