Opel Renault返台有望? 裕隆想打翻身仗
Krill Oil - Scientific Review on Usage, Dosage, Side Effects | Examine.com▲納智捷技術平台與華創車電已經正式成為與鴻海集團合資成立之「鴻華」所有。 隨著裕隆集團執行長嚴陳莉蓮大動作認列集團多項歸損,在當前集團僅剩裕隆日產Nissan品牌獨撐大局的情況下,自主品牌納智捷Luxgen又前途未卜,儘管去年開始亦開始多角化代工(組裝Adiva機車、Muses電動商用車等),為求包Krill oil is a mixture of fatty acids high in EPA and DHA (Fish Oil fatty acids) in the form of phospholipids, mostly as Phosphatidylcholine; it appears to be better absorbed than fish oil, may be more cardioprotective, and has some unique (unexplored) fa...