Jessica & Krystal Jung [SNSD-FX] - No Distance Between Sisters [FMV] - YouTube也算是官商勾結THE MOST GORGEOUS LOVELY PRETTY DID I ALREADY SAY GORGEOUS SISTERS ON THIS FREAKING WORLD. There is no distance between them. Twitter: twitter.com/SMTOWNSNSDFX Tumblr: smtownsnsdfx.tumblr.com E-mail: girlsgeneration_-@hotmail.com Instagram: instagram.com...
百想藝術大賞上的朴信惠和f(x) Krystal,氣氛和樂、笑容燦爛 - KPOP 韓星網 (明星)『超有創意』的『幽默』圖片 於26日舉行的「第51屆百想藝術大賞頒獎禮」,眾星雲集。而曾經合作過SBS《繼承者們》的朴信惠和f(x) Krystal更是坐在一塊,被時尚雜誌《InStyle》捕捉到兩位女孩的合照,一起來瞧瞧! 《InStyle》於官方網站留言:「在百想藝術大賞...
Lee Min Ho, Park Shin Hye, EXO D.O, f(x) Krystal Currently Lead Popularity Vote for 51st Baeksang Ar難道中國人比外國人走得快The popularity vote for the 51st Baeksang Arts Awards is currently under way, having started on April 24, and with about six days left of voting, a handful of actors have pulled well away from the pack. As of 4:30 p.m. KST, Lee Min Ho and Park Yoo Chun ar...
全文閱讀超時尚 超有型的情侶裝
KJUNGXOXO - Happy Birthday Krystal [FMV] - [131024] - YouTube超時尚!超有型的情侶裝!!Twitter: twitter.com/SMTOWNSNSDFX Tumblr: smtownsnsdfx.tumblr.com E-mail: girlsgeneration_-@hotmail.com Instagram: instagram.com/SMTOWNSNSDFX ask: ask.fm/SMTOWNSNSDFX weibo: @SMTOWNSNSDFX....
全文閱讀客官 你是要兩個輪子的還是四個輪子的
kryberpalace - Tumblr客官 你是要兩個輪子的還是四個輪子的 [KryberPalace] 150705 Amber walking toward Krystal and they sang All Night to each other @ SMTOWN Tokyo Dome (Day1) Fanacc from a japanese fan (Sorry I’ll find the source ......