動感熱血上身 Toyota Corolla Altis GR Sport
An'ya Kuro - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki●日本豐田Gazoo Racing團隊操刀調校 ●跑車化懸吊+前後防傾桿加粗 ●專屬紅黑雙色內裝+紅色車縫線 ●國內上市時間:4月29日 ●新車售價:汽油版/Hybrid版:82.8/87.5萬元 在國內有「銷售神車」之稱的Corolla Altis,再度為國內年輕熱血的銷售族群,帶來由日本豐田旗下An'ya Kuro was a Human female who gave up her name in service of the Force and became the Dark... ... An'ya Kuro wielding her violet-bladed lightsaber. A Force-sensitive Human, An'ya Kuro was trained in the ways of the Force by the Jedi Order, attaining t...