將環保事業進行到底,Vivienne Westwood 邀請多位名人一起打造拯救北極公益廣告
Edge.org有著“西太后”之稱的時裝設計師Vivienne Westwood 一直以來都非常重視環保事業,其同名品牌也多次推出環保主題產品。最近,Vivienne Westwood 就聯手綠色和平組織和攝影師Andy Gotts 推出了一組公益廣告,邀來喬治·克魯尼、Terry Jones、Georgia MaI s Your Computer About To Become The Enemy? By Sheizaf Rafaeli 22:01:15, 07:14 180 intellectuals responded to this Edge annual question - "What do you think about computers that think?" Soon this question may become an issue for all of us "What do you .....