l3 cache gaming

Intel and AMD L3 Cache Gaming Benchmarks - Does L3 Matter for ... 沒事你裝什麼貓頭鷹啊,趕快給我下來抓老鼠去!行動版 - L3 Cache makes a lot of difference in gaming. Benchmarks of Intel and AMD processors while gaming prove this....


L3 cache and gaming [Solved] - Gaming - CPUs - Tom's Hardware12星座翻臉排行冠軍(雙子-太善變) 亞軍(白羊-被小事激怒) 季軍(巨蟹-情緒化) 還沒看到自己的星座嗎?!恭喜你.....你的翻臉速度ok大家都可以接受喔!! 第4(射手-誰知箭要射向哪) 第5(雙魚-莫名其妙發火)第6(魔羯-翻臉前算好後路) 第7(獅子-誰叫你不聽指揮)第8(天秤-路見不平翻行動版 - Hello guys, I was wondering how important was the L3 cache in games, especially high end games....
