La Dolce Vita衛視中文台《一袋女王》日前邀請何嘉文、甄莉及黃鐙輝三人的另一半及家長上節目談父母對親生女兒及女婿的差別待遇,整場爆笑連連笑果不斷。何嘉文媽媽感謝女婿把有潔癖強迫症的女兒娶回家,偶爾接到何嘉文電話說要回家,媽媽竟然還會回她說:「妳都嫁人了,沒事不要常回來」,如果萬不得已要約見面都會盡量約外面,就是不想Last week, I shared the launch of Mark D. Sikes‘ fabulous new clothing collection, MDS Stripes. I’m sure many of you noticed the chic jewelry on the models, all of which was designed by Jenn Scully for her new line, Jack Loves Charlie. I met Jenn a couple...