95 的人都解不開的邏輯測驗:小紅的糖果是誰偷吃的?
La Vie en rose - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 這件事是誰幹的? 小花、小麗、小綠三個同學中有一人 偷吃了小紅的糖果, 當小紅問這是誰幹的好事時, (1)小花說:“小麗幹的。” (2 )小麗說:“不是我幹的。” (3)小綠說:“也不是我幹的。 ”事實上,有兩個人Song history [edit] The song's title can be translated as "Life in Rosy Hues" or "Life Through Rose-Colored Glasses"; its literal meaning is "Life in Pink". The lyrics and melody of the song were written by Édith Piaf herself, but the melody was said offi...