La Vie en rose - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1、每個女人都有兩個版本:精裝本和平裝本,前者是在職場、社交場合給別人看的,濃妝豔抹,光彩照人;後者是在家裏給最愛的人看的,換上家常服、睡衣,訴苦。婚姻中的丈夫往往只能看到妻子的平裝本和別的女人的精裝本──婚外戀的動機之一。 2、漂亮是女人的通行證:一句老話而已,也算顛撲不破的真理。Song history [edit] The song's title can be translated as "Life in Rosy Hues" or "Life Through Rose-Colored Glasses"; its literal meaning is "Life in Pink". The lyrics and melody of the song were written by Édith Piaf herself, but the melody was said offi...