BB Cream | Musings of a Museinstragram上有一位喜歡用零食作畫的作家,怎麼樣我們也想不到會把零食和畫筆湊在一起,但是他的作品卻讓兩者結合的天衣無縫,畫風生動有趣、酷炫好玩,超乎人的創意。 圖:微博如果你喜歡的話推薦給更多的朋友吧 ! PR Sample Affilate Link Dr Jart Bounce Beauty Balm ($58) is probably one of my favorite foundation releases of Fall 2014! This new “bounce” BB Cream isn’t your typical cushion BB Cream that we are currently seeing both in Asian and US releases! Dr Jart di...