誰說運動員不會穿衣服 NBA球星自信加入穿搭超SWAG
LACOSTE - United States Of America 知道這位NBA明星球員是誰嗎? 今年獲得2015明星賽的MVP、大名鼎鼎雷霆隊主將Russell Westbrook,在籃球場上是當今的五大控球後衛之一,速度快如閃電,射球精準無比,對於他的球技,球迷們絕對讚不絕口!但他不僅僅球場上赫赫有名,私下也可以說是最時尚的球員! 對很多人來說籃球明星往往跟The LACOSTE legend is born in 1933, when René Lacoste revolutionizes mens' fashion replacing the classical woven fabric, long-sleeved and starched shirts on the courts, by what has now become the classic LACOSTE polo shirt. 75 years after its creation ......