LA Lakers NBA Trade Rumors, News 2014: Boston Celtics to Trade Rajon Rondo to Lakers? 圖翻攝自youtube 下同 南韓災難片「屍速列車」於2日在台上映後反應熱烈,僅短短4天票房破億!瞬間成為台灣史上最賣座的韓片冠軍。導演也表示前傳《起源:首爾車站》將於10月21日正式在台上映,據說會比屍片更來得絕望!觀眾不僅可以在片中了解「病毒」的來源,也能更進一步的體會到人性的黑暗面。 &nbThe Boston Celtics and the Los Angeles Lakers reportedly discussed a possible swap for Celtics point guard Rajon Rondo. ... The players stated that their meeting was just breakfast though, and there was nothing about a trade in or becoming teammates. Brya...