Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 lap times and specs - FastestLaps.com公園裡的震撼教育 話說夏天的某個週末,我和老公還有一群朋友坐在一個開放式公園花壇邊聊天,我和老公還有另外一個男性朋友並排坐著。這時跑來一個賣花的小妹妹,她看了看我們3個人後,就對著我老公說,哥哥買朵花給姐姐吧。我老公剛想拒絕,誰知坐旁邊的男性朋友突然抱著我老公的胳膊,撒嬌狀地說,買一朵吧,人家想要嘛Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 lap times specs and picture - FastestLaps.com ... Funny, I had dream tonight and i had white Aventador, I was in some Arabic country on few days holiday. It was beautiful dream, i drowe my car until i stopped and some not whe...