英女子罹罕見睡美人症 每天睡20小時
DIY Homemade laser diode driver - Laser Pointer Forums - Discuss Laser Pointers 英國倫敦一名年輕女子伊瑪爾•杜普蕾 (Imaarl Duprey) 自十幾歲起,就罹患了罕見的「克萊恩-李文症候群」(Kleine-Levine),即俗稱的「睡美人症」。她的人生大部分時間都在昏睡,曾有一次連續昏睡兩個月。但即使面對這樣的困難,杜普蕾仍成功地從大學畢業,拿到心理學學位。 To connect this start off my locating the pins corresponding to Vin, Vout, and Adj on the LM317T chip. Also, Make sure you turn the pot to its maximum resistance possible. Connect the laser diode and make sure the capacitor is SOLDERED to the laser diode ...