DIY Homemade laser diode driver - Laser Pointer Forums - Discuss Laser Pointers 很多人平時都喜歡在網上po自己的貓貓狗狗和娃, 這對於我們這些既沒有養汪和喵又沒生娃的人來說,實在是一個很不錯的雲吸汪喵,或者吸娃的機會... 今天,再來介紹一個來自瑞典的超級可愛的小寶寶讓大家吸一發... 這個寶寶叫Dhuhaa, &nbsTo connect this start off my locating the pins corresponding to Vin, Vout, and Adj on the LM317T chip. Also, Make sure you turn the pot to its maximum resistance possible. Connect the laser diode and make sure the capacitor is SOLDERED to the laser diode ...