小改款跨界獅王Peugeot 2008大軍挺進!預計2016年日內瓦車展正式現身
last - definition of last by The Free DictionaryisCar! 問世已然三年有餘的跨界獅王Peugeot 2008,原廠日前也宣告將於2016年日內瓦車展順勢推出該車型的小改款作品。在內外裝小改以及多元動力編成的條件下,提供全球車友更為全方位的選擇。 事實上,以Peugeot 2008原本的跨界SUV定位來說,在其4,300mm左右的既有身型當中,last 1 (lăst) adj. 1. Being, coming, or placed after all others; final: the last game of the season. 2. Being the only one left: his last nickel; as a last resort. 3. Just past; most recent: last year; the last time I checked. 4. Most up-to-date; newest: ...