一名女士家中忘了鎖門 竟然來了可愛的不速之客?
Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping May Benefit Children Years Later : Shots - Health News : NPR 我們常用「不速之客」來形容沒被邀情卻前來的客人,但有些時候,不請自來倒還好,比較誇張的是,要是來的不是人,而是動物的話,又該如何是好....一名住在根西島(Guernsey)的女士 Pat Costen,某一天忘了鎖上前門就跑去洗澡,等到她洗好出來的時候,卻聞到了一股很不尋常的味道,於是下樓查看,A couple of extra minutes attached to the umbilical cord at birth may translate into a small boost in neurodevelopment several years later, a study suggests. Children whose cords were cut more than three minutes after birth had slightly higher social skil...