How to uninstall | Lavasoft - Ad-Aware Free Antivirus and Antispyware by Lavasoft | Protection from ▲蛇精男即將和三位美女組團出道?(source:weibo,下同) 有著超尖的下巴以及全臉都長得有點不對勁的劉梓晨,被台灣人封為「蛇精男」,但他卻認為台灣人根本不懂他的美。 日前他在自己的weibo貼文,他與好姊妹們一起合照,並寫下:「我們是世界上最美的芭比天團」,暗示自己和好姊妹們To uninstall Ad-Aware Antivirus, first make sure the application is closed. Option1 : Please go to your control panel and chose ADD/REMOVE Programs: 1. Click the Start button on your computer (left-hand side of the screen). 2. Click Control Panel in the S...