law abiding citizen

Law Abiding Citizen (2009) - IMDb 原來飛屎不可是這麼來的!(大誤)Directed by F. Gary Gray. With Jamie Foxx, Gerard Butler, Colm Meaney, Bruce McGill. A frustrated man decides to take justice into his own hands after a plea bargain sets one of his family's killers free. He targets not only the killer but also the distri...


law abiding citizen - 購物搜尋結果幾個海龜湯(情境猜謎)的經典題目。這些問題在網路上已流傳好一陣子,震撼程度卻依然如舊。不管合不合邏輯,這些答案確實讓人不禁毛骨悚然。第二題更是經典中的經典,是各大校園的迎新時夜遊等活動的必備考題。放泥就可在此收集成冊,替各系學會省下一點籌畫時間(誤)。1. 企鵝肉2. 水草3. 跳火車4. 葬禮的故...


Law Abiding Citizen, starring Jamie Foxx and Gerard Butler, AVAILable on DVD and Blu-ray™ February 1這方法是很強啦...只是....做了以後不會因為太怪被排擠嗎.... Official site of Law Abiding Citizen, starring Jamie Foxx and Gerard Butler, AVAILable on DVD and Blu-ray February 16th. ... You need the Adobe Flash plugin to view this content. Synopsis When a home invasion robbery turns deadly, the lone survivor will s...


Law Abiding Citizen在我們這個年代,有誰沒看過七龍珠嗎??? 七龍珠的cosply,最後一個是怎麼回事...... Visitor Counter Amendment II: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Amendment 1: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion...
