最不受歡迎的街頭 High Five 海外無聊人士大冒險影片
lay - definition of lay by The Free Dictionary 歹年冬厚瘋人、越來越多突發奇想的 KUSO 無聊人士,透過網路的無遠弗屆,讓全世界的網友們看到他們無聊的行徑,這名男士的影片主題則是與街頭路人 High Five,但重點是這些路人舉手只是為了...招計程車阿,如果你在路上遇到這樣的情況,你會怎麼辦哩。High Five New Yorklay 1 (lā) v. laid (lād), lay·ing, lays v.tr. 1. To cause to lie down: lay a child in its crib. 2. a. To place in or bring to a particular position: lay the cloth over the painting. b. To bury. 3. To cause to be in a particular condition: The remark laid ...