layar api

API Documentation – Layar Developer Documentation 時代在進步……嗯~我可以確定我是現代人了~Layar Platform Overview Layer Service Provider Terminology API Documentation GetPOIs Request GetPOIs Response API v8.3 Changes hotspots object actions animations reference Images Layar Intent Publishing Site Test a Layer layer testing instructions best .....


Developer tools | Layar - Home | Augmented Reality | Interactive Print | Layar 小時候曾經害怕被虎姑婆吃掉手指的同鞋們,報仇的時間來了.....「女巫手指麵包」!Why become a Layar Developer? Because Layar offers developers the most robust platform and the best quality tools for creating augmented reality and interactive print. Why Layar Products Pricing Services Why Layar Key Benefits Your Industry Client Example...


Layar API | ProgrammableWeb - ProgrammableWeb - APIs, Mashups and the Web as Platform 好酷的3D畫 這樣的概念一般都用在比賽場地,因視覺角度(觀眾席看到的是立體的),球員則看不到,也不影響比賽The Layar API allows developers to create new layers. A layer consists of three parts: The layer definition, the list of POIs (Points of Interest) and each individual POI. Skip to main content Follow ProgrammableWeb to get API news and alerts as they brea...


Home | Augmented Reality | Interactive Print | Layar          這樣洗澡就會很香 另一種香XD        Layar is the global leader in augmented reality and interactive print technology. Print materials spring to life with digital content using the world’s #1 augmented reality app. ... A Global Leader in Augmented Reality & Interactive Print Innovative AR an...
