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Astro Boy (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia這女生真會ㄍ一ㄥ~~~ Astro Boy is a 2009 American-Hong Kong-Chinese computer-animated action film loosely based on the manga and anime series of the same name by the Japanese writer and illustrator Osamu Tezuka. It was produced by Imagi Animation Studios, and directed by Davi...


The Borrowers (1997 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia神奇的是...明明第一次就是正確的為什麼插不進去?? The Borrowers is a 1997 British/American live-action comedy film based on the children's novel of the same name by author Mary Norton. In 1998 it was nominated for the title of Best British Film in the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) a...


Komputer tablet - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas看起來好像前方有天堂路啊!! Sedangkan Dell dan Samsung membuat terobosan ukuran yang lebih kecil dari tablet pc dan lebih besar dari smartphone pada umumnya. Dell Streak memiliki ukuran layar 5 inchi dan Samsung Note memiliki 5.3 inchi. Sejarah tablet PC [sunting | sunting sumber]...
