碉堡了!樂高雷神索爾 : 兄弟鬩牆 停格動畫 |Jordan Tseng Production
Convert lb to kg - Conversion of Measurement Units 作者的話:新年快樂!!很久不見了,因為懶惰所以片拍很慢,呵呵下下禮拜要學測,我都在拍片,前途渺茫啊..Anyway,希望你們喜歡這部影片,這是我第一次用樂高拍片,感覺挺新奇用了三個月的時間,拍了大約5000張照片.這部我想實現的概念是"別停下來",所以和我的舊片比較,這部片裡的玩具基Quickly convert pounds into kilograms (lb to kg) using the online calculator for metric conversions and more. ... More information from the unit converter How many lb in 1 kg? The answer is 2.20462262185. We assume you are converting between pound and kil...