ldap server

不自量力 の Weithenn: OpenSuse-LDAP Server認證伺服器天呀...這樣也能坐!??? 前言 本次實作為採用 [YaST] 來安裝及設定 LDAP Server,LDAP-Lightweight Directory Access Protocol: 輕量級目錄存取協定,運作於 [TCP/IP] 四層上,何以叫輕量級? 主因是把 [LDAP] 跟 [X.500] 這個運作於 OSI 七層的重量級協定相比之下才叫輕量級,詳細可以 ......


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia被捕魚的假器具插入嘴巴,因而死亡的海獅。.....誤入廢棄塑膠圈的海獅頸被割傷。.....被捕魚器具插入嘴巴的海獅。.....被漁具纏住因而溺死的海獅。...... 人類隨手亂丟的垃圾以及捕魚工具,現在竟成了危害海洋動物生命的罪魁禍首!阿拉斯加漁獵部(Alaska Department of FisThe Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP; / ˈ ɛ l d æ p /) is an open, vendor-neutral, industry standard application protocol for accessing and maintaining distributed directory information services over an Internet Protocol (IP) network. [1] Direc...


Choosing an LDAP Server - LDAP.com - Open. Vendor-Neutral. Industry Standard.答案就是.... Since LDAP is an open standard protocol, all the information needed to create an LDAPv3-compliant server is freely available (see the LDAP Specifications page for links to the relevant documents). As such, many organizations offer LDAP server software, wh...
