黑色時尚 Givenchy 五芒星皮衣
LM1117-N | Single Channel LDO | Linear Regulator (LDO) | Description & parametrics 最帥的法國時尚品牌紀梵希 Givenchy 又出招了,玩弄拿手的黑色元素,把帥氣的皮衣加入品牌特色,那就是肩頸處的五芒星設計,並以棒球外套形式剪裁出現,增添 Spring/Summer 2014 帥氣質感,售價 €2,000 歐元. 【本文出處,更多精采內容Download a datasheet or document on TIs LM1117-N Linear Regulator (LDO), from the Single Channel LDO collection of analog and digital product folders.# Added ... The LM1117-N is a series of low dropout voltage regulators with a dropout of 1.2V at 800mA of...