Red meat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 話說, 每個人身邊都有三三兩兩的好友, 可以一起擼串兒,一起K歌,彼此吐槽,相互毒舌… 他們,可以說是一生中最美好的存在…… Brightside最近分享了一波歪果網友的友情,很甜很可愛也很搞笑了~ 我給奶奶買了一副炫酷的太陽鏡,她的老朋友們Red meat, in gastronomy is meat which is red when raw and not white when cooked, and includes the meat of most adult mammals. In nutritional science, red meat is defined as meat with more than a certain level of myoglobin. Meat that meets a minimum thresh...