least significant difference

Equality (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)  名人、立委接連劈腿偷吃的新聞一再登上頭條,大家已經對於「小三」、「小王」、「炮友」…等社會現象名詞相當熟悉。但你知道,這些現象的英文要怎麼說嗎?如果要和外國朋友談論這些時事,你該怎麼描述呢? 去年在日本上市造成大轟動的《偽英語教科書》,今年即將翻譯成國際中文版在台上市,快Other Internet Resources The Equality Studies Centre (University College/Dublin) [Please contact the author with other suggestions.] Related Entries consequentialism | egalitarianism | equality: of opportunity | impartiality | justice: distributive | just...


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