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Of own accord - definition of of own accord by The Free Dictionary圖/童國輔 車輛/廣名渦輪 移植手排難度高 周邊新品手感好 至於手排變速箱的移植部分,老實說難度比外掛渦輪還要高出不少,這是因為周邊要動到的零件還不少,據廣名渦輪表示,移植手排變速箱時,要更換的零件除了五速變速箱本體、排檔座總成、兩條排檔鋼索、三根傳動軸(左右軸與中軸)、兩顆引擎腳與支架外,還有ac·cord (ə-kôrd′) v. ac·cord·ed, ac·cord·ing, ac·cords v.tr. 1. To give or grant, especially as being due or appropriate: accorded the president the proper deference. 2. Archaic To cause to conform or agree; bring into harmony. v.intr. To be in agreement,...