leave on own accord

Of own accord - definition of of own accord by The Free Dictionary★★★喜歡請按讚★★★ 男生應該全都中標了吧~~~ac·cord (ə-kôrd′) v. ac·cord·ed, ac·cord·ing, ac·cords v.tr. 1. To give or grant, especially as being due or appropriate: accorded the president the proper deference. 2. Archaic To cause to conform or agree; bring into harmony. v.intr. To be in agreement,...


Accord - definition of accord by The Free Dictionary 不好意思  借過一下  你檔到我看海了!!It was a Sunday afternoon, and beautiful weather, and my uncle, the priest, took me as a reward for being a good boy and because of my own accord and without anybody asking me I had bankrupted my savings-box and given the money to a mission that was ......


ACCORD - What does ACCORD stand for? The Free Dictionary   XDDDAt a private interview with Miss Garth she had referred again, of her own accord, to the subject of her letter from London -- had spoken self-reproachfully of her weakness in admitting Captain Wragge's impudent claim to a family connection with her -- and...


Use accord in a sentence | accord sentence examples 去哪裡都要打卡 好怕人家不知道一樣!!How to use accord in a sentence. Example sentences with the word accord. accord example sentences. ... This relation of chemistry to medicine prevailed until the 17th century, and what in the history of chemistry is termed the iatrochemical period (see Me...


accord - Wiktionary       莫名其妙讓我笑了XDRhymes: -ɔː(ɹ)d Etymology [edit] First attested in the late 13th century. From Middle English acorden, from Old French acorder (compare modern French accord and accorder), from Vulgar Latin *accordō (“ to be heart to heart with ”), formed from Latin ad + ...
