Of own accord - definition of of own accord by The Free Dictionary話說,遊玩漂亮的歐洲,是很多人的夢想之一, 有誰不想在歐洲的古堡上看看遠處的風景,或者在大西洋的海邊吹吹清新的海風,又或者感受熱辣地中海的風情? 但是, 對於絕大多數人,尤其是二十幾歲的年前人來說,這樣的夢想其實挺難實現.. 原因很簡單:大寫的ac·cord (ə-kôrd′) v. ac·cord·ed, ac·cord·ing, ac·cords v.tr. 1. To give or grant, especially as being due or appropriate: accorded the president the proper deference. 2. Archaic To cause to conform or agree; bring into harmony. v.intr. To be in agreement,...