leave - definition of leave by The Free Dictionary 父親節 一年多以來,小孩子都只記得母親節,卻忘了父親節,所以爸爸都挺失落的。 而今年八月八日,有位爸爸坐在餐桌旁和家人用餐。 突然間兒子就往冰箱走去,當他打開冰箱蹲下取物時,突然若無其事的說︰「爸!你知道今天是幾月幾日嗎?」 老爸leave 1 (lēv) v. left (lĕft), leav·ing, leaves v.tr. 1. To go out of or away from: not allowed to leave the room. 2. a. To go without taking or removing: left my book on the bus. b. To omit or exclude: left out the funniest part of the story. 3. To have a...