告別市場 BMW Z4 雙門敞篷跑車正式停產
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) - Springer - International Publisher Science, Technology, M 在歷經七年後,BMW所出產的雙門敞篷跑車Z4,已正式走入歷史,而後繼車款是與Toyota Supra 共同開發,預計開發的新車款除採BMW的引擎設計外,預期會使用Toyota所擅長的Hybrid油電混合動力。 Z4雙門敞篷跑車是在2002年後正式以後繼車款接手Z3,並在2009年改款Springer in :60 - Lecture Notes in Computer Science More than just proceedings. Watch the video to learn more. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Your medium for efficient dissemination of new developments from all areas of computer science...