This could be the iCloud flaw that led to celebrity photos being leaked (Update: Apple is investigat 圖片來源 接吻是所有情侶間最浪漫的一件事 而接吻可以讓你輕易擄獲一個人的心 但是也有可能一秒摧毀所有在對方心中的形象 而接吻時舌頭扮演的腳色就非常重要啦! 國外兩性專家整理出了七種接吻方法 來觀察對方在"床上"合不合你的胃口 1.帶點侵略性的咬唇接吻:這種人拒絕規矩,喜歡挑戰新東西,你們滾床單的地Owen is reporter for The Next Web based in Amsterdam, specializing in Apple, Microsoft, developer trends, security and privacy. Formerly a developer and infrastructure engineer, Owen has a deep background in IT.You can find him on Twitter at @ow and get i...