You Led Me On | Thought Catalog約會之前到底該做哪些準備工作來讓自己看起來更完美,合身西裝?新鞋?足夠的現金?GQ現在找出約會前最容易疏忽的儀容細節,原來會讓女生加分的地方是這些,趕快看一下你有那裡沒做好! 1. 光滑的肌膚 保持好的膚質,並不是女生的專利。如果你無法在約會時,吸引到女人的目光那才是一大損失。記住皮膚絕對不能等到開You led me on. I thought we were on the same page. I thought when you called me “babe” and told me that talking to me makes your entire day better that you meant that you hadn’t put me on the same rung of the ladder as some guy on the rugby team. I though...