LED torch using MAX660 - Electronic Circuits and Diagram-Electronics Projects and Design台灣素人翻拍紅遍網路 掀起「唬弄」影片模仿風潮 中年阿伯反串萌少女! KUSO影片笑翻鄉民 引領無厘頭廣告風潮的始祖SkittlesR彩虹糖推出全新「什麼什麼口味」新品廣告,廣告中美麗可人的女主角與室友的男友談起無厘頭三角戀愛,而室友的男友居然搖身一變成為一頭大海象,女主角還抱著Description. This is a simple LED torch circuit based on IC MAX660 from MAXIM semiconductors. The MAX 660 is a CMOS type monolithic type voltage converter IC. The IC can easily drive three extra bright white LEDs.The LEDs are connected in parallel to the ...