LED Torch - circuit diagrams, schematics, electronic projects 話說,很多人在找到自己的另一半的時候,都會有一種緣分天註定的感覺,認為對方是自己命中注定的愛人。 然而, 最近英國的一對夫婦,真正用他們的親身經歷,展示了一次什麼叫真正的緣分... 照片里的這兩個人,女的叫Heidi,男的叫Ed Savitt。倆人來自英國A common problem with small torches is the short life-span both of the batteries and the bulb. The average incandescent torch, for instance, consumes around 2 Watts. The LED Torch in Fig. 1 consumes just 24 mW, giving it more than 80 times longer service ...