12個超級實用的性愛技巧! 讓性趣更濃
What exactly is a Legacy ROM option in the boot section of my BIOS - Gigabyte - Motherboards 1.提高室溫 出汗,也能夠提高床上的熱度。當人體體溫升高時,神經末梢就會變得更加敏感、接受程度也更強。當然,室內的溫度也不能調得過高,否則只能讓人感到不爽而不是興奮。 2.臥室上鎖 這是避免打擾和尷尬的最好方法。別小看這把鎖,只要有了它,你就能專注於感官刺激,徹底放鬆等待那個激情時刻的到來。 3.Legacy Only storage boot would disable RAID and AHCI (not the best idea when you have a modern OS). You can enable UEFI only if you're running Windows 7 or 8 or something, as only legacy OS require legacy EFI BIOS....