LEGO DIGITAL BOX - augmented reality kiosk system - YouTube 男人失業了,他沒有告訴女人。 他仍然按時出門和回家。男人夾著公文包,擠上公交車,三站後下來。他在公園的長椅上坐定,愁容滿面地看廣場上成群的鴿子。到了傍晚,男人換一副笑臉回家。他敲敲門,大聲喊,「我回來啦!」男人這樣堅持了5天。 5天後,他在一家很小的水泥廠This augmented reality kiosk called "DIGITAL BOX" has been developed by LEGO Digital Systems and metaio. After an evaluatiion phase it is now rolled out to LEGO brand stores worldwide and is widely seen as one of the best examples of augmented reality in ...