leica d lux 4

Leica數位相機 - 性能與價格皆躍進 - LEICA D-LUX 4 - 相機討論區 - Mobile01夫人不爽了~!!!!! 胖胖兄寫的相機評測有真實感,頗有自己的味道,沒加油添醋,夠中肯,我喜歡。 不知您是否那幾張實拍是否使用預設的設定? 因為看完LEICA D-LUX 4所拍攝出來的成像,並不如LX3鮮豔(個人是較重口味主義者 XD)。...


Leica D-LUX 6 Review: Preview - Digital Cameras, Digital Camera Reviews - The Imaging Resource!像波浪一樣...好神奇!!!!! Leica D-LUX 6 Preview by Mike Tomkins Posted: September 18, 2012 Earlier this year, we previewed the Panasonic LX7, one of a number of products vying for the title of top pocket digital camera, and although we've yet to complete a full review we're rather...
