LEICA M6 and M6 TTL - KenRockwell.com: Photography, Cameras and Taking Better Pictur 圖片來源 以下為原文 朋友群中總是會有一個人➡️覺得自己顏值很高➡️覺得自己是個正妹➡️覺得自己是位女神我有一個奇葩朋友因為我們已經常常抓到她的底了於是今天我就跟她說「正妹的基本條件:大眼、長睫毛、毛髮濃密、和稚嫩的臉龐⋯⋯這些妳有嗎?」果不其然她回說:「妳為什麼要描述我啊?不解!」我就傳了這個給The LEICA M6 and M6 TTL are Leica's most advanced mechanical rangefinder cameras, and superb cameras by any gauge. They are a bargain used today, since most Leica users prefer to pay more for the newer electronic cameras like the M9 and M7. If you pay ......