Leica V-LUX 40 Review: Preview - Digital Cameras, Digital Camera Reviews - The Imaging ResourceMTV特別企劃「校園會課室」前進校園與學生近距離接觸,由吳建恆、APPLE主持,播出以來,深受年輕朋友的喜愛,昨(2/22)大來賓邀請歌手鼓鼓,他分享高中交了第一個女友,在一起七年,但女方媽媽看到當時玩樂團的他外貌不修邊幅,氣的以為女兒要被帶壞,跑到學校罵他一頓;而對於先前嘎嘎在網路上發表批評他的言Leica V-Lux 40 Overview Posted: 05/10/2012 Looking for a compact, travel zoom camera, and put a lot of faith in the legendary Leica 'red dot'? If your answer is yes, the Leica V-Lux 40 might be worth a look. Closely related to the Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS20...