Convertible Ultrabook Laptop & Tablet | Ideapad Yoga 13 with Windows 8 | Lenovo (US) 小白兔和長頸鹿在聊天。長頸鹿:「你都不知道有脖子長有多好!我吃東西時,食物會從脖子慢~慢的滑下去,真美味!」小白兔面無表情,冷冷的看著他。長頸鹿繼續說:「你都不知道有脖子長有多好!我喝水時,冰涼的泉水會從脖子慢~慢的滑下去,真舒暢!」小白兔面無表情,冷冷的說:「你吐過嗎?」The IdeaPad Yoga 13, an Intel inspired Ultrabook powered by Windows 8, folds 360 degrees into four modes, providing flexibility to move between work and fun. ... Lenovo 13" Yoga Slot-In Case Yoga 13" Screen Protector Lenovo 65W Slim Adapter Specially ......