Lenovo ThinkPad T431s Review | NotebookReview.com 可能是我神經太粗一直被她蒙在鼓裡!!平常我對同性戀沒啥想法, 但是發生在自己身上,真他X的受不來! 要不是被我發現了,她還不准備告訴我! 上面是樓主女友,我們交往了半年多, 我發誓真的一點也沒感覺出她有那種傾向, 她的微博、QQ什麼的我都有,一切都很正常。 背著我跟別人The Lenovo ThinkPad T431s trims the fat to offer an incredibly portable form factor with middling specs. Keep reading to see what is good and bad about this laptop. ... Similar to its predecessor the Lenovo ThinkPad T431s incorporates a roll cage into its...