Convertible Ultrabook Laptop & Tablet | Ideapad Yoga 13 with Windows 8 ... 佛羅里達一位20歲的小哥開心瘋了.... Shane Missler ,贏得了4.5億美元的彩票頭獎!! 各大媒體紛紛發來賀電... 4.5億美元約合人民幣29億,大約是2907315000....元, 這數字太長我不敢看....-。- 並且The IdeaPad Yoga 13, an Intel inspired Ultrabook powered by Windows 8, folds 360 degrees into four modes, providing flexibility to move between work and fun. ... Lenovo 13" Yoga Slot-In Case Yoga 13" Screen Protector ......