LEPA - Circular LED fan, CPU cooler, 80 PLUS power supply units 原PO的好朋友是高雄人,在台北念書,外宿永和。今天三點要開打的世足,當然要配上速食大吃特吃才過癮。尤其他自己一人住外租屋,當然放肆大吃大喝大玩大看! 於是...(以下以第一人稱描述)開心的線上填了資料訂了分享餐,決定自己SOLO一個雙人分享餐。比預期的早了半小時電話就響了,才半夜兩點LEPA EXllusion 240, vivid colors controlled by your imagination Taoyuan, Taiwan – LEPA announces the EXllusion 240, the liquid CPU cooler with 400W TDP cooling capacity. It is equipped with the dual patented CDP (Central Diffusing Passage) cold plate, 240...