解放咪咪頭! 英國女攝影師拍攝100名裸女計畫!
Barcode - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 在女性被高度物化的現在,女權主義紛紛抬頭,要求與男性同樣可以赤裸上身的解放乳頭企劃 "Free the Nipple",正影響了此位來自英國的女性攝影師 Nadia Lee Cohen 的創作,推出一系列以復古女性為主題的百位裸女 "100 Naked Women" 作品,攝影師也藉由此A barcode is an optical machine-readable representation of data relating to the object to which it is attached. Originally barcodes systematically represented data by varying the widths and spacings of parallel lines, and may be referred to as linear or o...