lesser sac

Lesser sac - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia國外網友評出最像進擊的巨人人物的三次元明星,簡直一模一樣啊, 看完震驚了,種族優勢太明顯!   viaThe lesser sac, also known as the omental bursa, is the cavity in the abdomen that is formed by the lesser and greater omentum. Usually found in mammals, it is connected with the greater sac via the omental foramen (previously known as the Foramen of Wins...


Lesser - definition of lesser by The Free Dictionary生了孩子身材馬上恢復!比以前還火辣!網友們羨慕死了!紛紛留言要去娶烏克蘭妹妹!老婆身材好!隨便擺都是超模的范兒!     女兒好漂亮啊!長大後肯定是超級美女!   娶了她整個就變人生勝利組!老婆美,女兒漂亮~~他是如何辦到的呢?如何娶個烏克蘭美女? 案例教學正式開始,我When Jurgis had first inspected the packing plants with Szedvilas, he had marveled while he listened to the tale of all the things that were made out of the carcasses of animals, and of all the lesser industries that were maintained there; now he found th...


Lesser omentum | definition of lesser omentum by Medical dictionary 11月28日除了生日之外,似乎沒有甚麼特別的意思耶。但是在日本其實11月28日是非常特別的日子唷。就是~《いいニーハイ日》絕對領域日~~而日本就有許多twitter主響應這個節日,也紛紛上傳了自己絕對領域的照片   《絕對領域日》女孩們快把膝上襪挖出來穿 ▼也有人用小畫家畫出絕對領域啊Xomentum [o-men´tum] (L.) a fold of peritoneum extending from the stomach to adjacent abdominal organs. adj., adj omen´tal. gastrocolic omentum greater omentum. gastrohepatic omentum lesser omentum. greater omentum a peritoneal fold attached to the anterio...
